Sqlite database gui managers

There are multiple sqlite GUI managers that can be used . Some can be used from within the browser and others can be used from within windows , linux and freebsd .

SQLite Manager by lazierthanthou

This sqlite manager can be installed on Waterfox classic, and on the palemoon browser , by using the Classic Add-ons Archive . It can be found under this address caa:addon/sqlite-manager , and it can be used to create databases , tables , indices , and to insert and delete data .

DB Browser for SQLite

The DB Browser for SQLite can be installed on windows , freebsd , Debian , and macOS .

root$ pkg install sqlitebrowser
# Install sqlitebrowser on FreeBsd .

root$ apt-get install sqlitebrowser
# Install sqlitebrowser on Debian .

DB Browser for SQLite can be used to create databases ,tables , indexes , and to insert or to remove data .


sqlitestudio can be installed under windows , linux , freebsd , and macOS .

root$ pkg install sqlitestudio
# install sqlitestudio on freebsd . 

You can select the language of the program when it starts . It can be used to create databases , tables , indexes , constraints, and to insert or delete data .