How to solve package org.apache.http does not exist ?

When compiling a java file you might face an error of :

error: package org.apache.http does not exist

Just download the Apache HttpComponents , and select the appropriate version . For example the HttpClient 5.0.3 version , or the HttpClient 4.5.13 version …

Extract the version you have selected , in the root of your application , so that you have a lib folder containing some jar files , as follows :

└── lib
    ├── commons-codec-1.11.jar
    ├── commons-logging-1.2.jar
    ├── fluent-hc-4.5.13.jar
    ├── httpclient-4.5.13.jar
    ├── httpclient-cache-4.5.13.jar
    ├── httpclient-osgi-4.5.13.jar
    ├── httpclient-win-4.5.13.jar
    ├── httpcore-4.4.13.jar
    ├── httpmime-4.5.13.jar
    ├── jna-4.5.2.jar
    └── jna-platform-4.5.2.jar

Compile the desired source file , specifying the lib folder in the class path , as follows :

$ javac -cp '.:./lib/*' 
# under macOS or freebsd or linux 

$ javac -cp '.;.\lib\*' 
# under windows