What is an atom , a symbol , a cons , and a list in lisp ?


A symbol is an atom , an atom is everything which is not a cons . A list is anything which is enclosed by parenthesis .

(1 2 3 )
(defun square(num ) (* num num ) )
;;;Two Examples of  cons

(1 2 3 )
(defun square(num ) (* num num ) )
;;;Three Example of lists

;;;Six Atom examples

What is a symbol

An atom can be a self evaluated atom , for example 1 , which is a number , and which is self evaluating . 1 does not have a name , or any other attributes associated with it , it evaluates to itself , which is 1 .

> 1 

>(eval 1 )
;;;Call the function eval , 
;;;which evaluates its argument ,
;;;passing 1 .

An atom can also be a symbol for example pi . A symbol has a set of attributes which are associated with it , historically called its cells . They are its : name , value , function , property list , and the package to which it belongs .

The attributes for a symbol , can be gotten or set using :

symbol-name : returns the value of the name attribute associated with a symbol , or throws an error , if the passed argument is not a symbol . The name attribute of a symbol is a string , which is the name of this symbol , and it cannot be changed .

> (symbol-name 'pi )
;;;Get the value of the name 
;;;attribute of the symbol
;;;pi . pi is quoted , 
;;;as not to be evaluated .

> (symbol-name 'odka )
;;;Get the value of the name 
;;;attribute of the symbol
;;;odka .

> (symbol-name 'atom )
;;;Get the value of the name 
;;;attribute  of the symbol
;;;atom .

>> (symbol-name 1 )
;;;1 is not a symbol , this 
;;;will cause an error to be 
;;;shown of :
*** - SYMBOL-NAME: 1 is not a symbol
The following restarts are available:

symbol-value : returns the value , of the value attribute , associated with a symbol , if any . The value attribute can hold anything . If a symbol attribute value , has a value , the symbol is said to be bound , if the value attribute has no value , the symbol is said to be unbound . When a symbol is considered to be a variable , what is evaluated is its value attribute .

symbol-value throws an error , if the attribute value of a symbol has no value , in other words if the symbol is not bound , or if the passed argument is not a symbol . A value for the symbol value attribute , can be set for example , using set.

> (symbol-value 'pi )
;;;Get the value , of the 
;;;value attribute , of 
;;;pi .

> (symbol-value 'atom )
;;;Get the value , of the 
;;;value  attribute , of 
;;;atom . atom is quoted 
;;;as not to be evaluated .
*** - SYMBOL-VALUE: variable ATOM has no value
The following restarts are available:

> (symbol-value 1)
;;;Get the value , of the 
;;;value  attribute , of 
;;;the atom 1 , this will
;;;throw an error , since 1 
;;;is not a symbol .
*** - SYMBOL-VALUE: 1 is not a symbol
The following restarts are available:

> (symbol-value 'odka )
;;;Get the value , of the value 
;;;attribute , of the symbol 
;;;odka . odka is not bound
;;;this will throw an error .
*** - SYMBOL-VALUE: variable ODKA has no value
The following restarts are available:

>(set 'odka 1 )
;;;Set the value , of the 
;;;value attribute , of the 
;;;symbol odka to 1 .

> (symbol-value 'odka )
;;;Get the value , of the 
;;;value  attribute , of  
;;;the symbol odka .

>(+ odka 2 )
;;;odka is treated as a variable , 
;;;it is not quoted , hence its 
;;;value attribute is evaluated , 
;;;it is 1 .  
;;;1 + 2 is equal to 3 .

symbol-package : returns the value of the package attribute associated with a symbol . This is the package that a symbol belongs to . symbol-package throws an error , if the passed argument is not a symbol , and returns nil , if the symbol does not belong to any package .

> (symbol-package 'pi )
;;;Get the package that the symbol 
;;;pi belongs to .

> (symbol-package 1 )
;;;Get the value , of the attribute 
;;;package , of the atom 1 . 
;;;This will throw an error ,
;;;since 1 is not a symbol .
*** - SYMBOL-PACKAGE: 1 is not a symbol
The following restarts are available:

> (symbol-package 'atom )
;;;Get the value of the attribute
;;;package of the symbol atom .

> (symbol-package 'yada )
;;;Get the value , of the attribute :
;;;package , of the symbol yada . 
;;;The default package when lisp 
;;;starts is common-lisp-user , 
;;;it has a nickname of cl-user .

symbol-function : returns the value of the function attribute associated with a symbol , if any . The function attribute of a symbol , contains the definition of a callable object associated with a symbol , such as a function or a macro . When a symbol is called , what is evaluated is its function attribute .

If the attribute function of a symbol , is associated with a value , it is said to be fbound . symbol-function throws an error if the symbol is not fbound , or if the passed argument is not a symbol .

The value , of the attribute function , of a symbol , can be set , for example when defining a new function using defun , or for example by using defmacro which defines a new macro .

> (symbol-function 'pi )
;;;Get the value of the attribute :
;;;function , of  the symbol pi ,
;;;pi is not fbound , this will 
;;;throw an error .
*** - SYMBOL-FUNCTION: undefined function PI
The following restarts are available:

> (symbol-function 'atom )
;;;Get the value of the attribute :
;;;function , of the symbol atom .

> (defun square(num ) (* num num ) )
;;;Define a new function , it has a
;;;symbol attribute : name , which 
;;;value is square , and it is 
;;;fbound .

> (symbol-function 'square )
;;;Get the value stored in the 
;;;attribute : function of the 
;;;symbol square . 

> (square 3 )
;;;The square symbol is evaluated as 
;;;a function , hence the value of the 
;;;attribute : function , is evaluated .
;;;This will square the number 3 .

> (set 'square 0 )
;;;Set a value , for the attribute :
;;;value , of the symbol square .

> (+ square 1 )
;;;square is treated as a 
;;;variable , the value of 
;;;its attribute : value is 
;;;evaluated , it is 0 , hence 
;;;(+ square 1 ) returns 1 .

> (defmacro square(num ) 
  `(* ,num ,num ) )
;;;Define a macro named square , 
;;;which returns a list to be 
;;;evaluated . ` is used to 
;;;quote a list , while 
;;;allowing variable 
;;;substitution , when
;;;a variable is preceded
;;;with a comma , .

> (square 3 )
;;;The macro square is called ,
;;;it returns a list to be 
;;;evaluated . 
;;;The returned list evaluates 
;;;the multiplication of 
;;;a number by itself . 
;;;the returned value is 9 .
> (symbol-function 1 )
;;;1 is not a symbol , hence
;;;symbol-function will throw
;;;an error .
*** - SYMBOL-FUNCTION: 1 is not a symbol
The following restarts are available:

symbol-plist : returns a list of properties associated with a symbol . Each property has a name , and a value , and is used to store some useful information .

symbol-plist throws an error if the passed argument is not a symbol , and returns an empty list , if no properties are associated with a symbol.

An individual property in the property list , can be gotten using for example get , and it can be set using for example setf .

> (symbol-plist 'pi )
;;;Get the  value of the attribute :
;;;property list , of the symbol 
;;;pi .

> (symbol-plist 'atom )
;;;Get the value , of the attribute :
;;;property list , associated 
;;;with the symbol atom .

>(get 'atom 'SYSTEM::TYPE-SYMBOL )
;;;Get the value of the property 
;;;SYSTEM::TYPE-SYMBOL , found in
;;;the property list of the symbol 
;;;atom .

> (symbol-plist 1 )
;;;Throws an error , since 
;;;1 is not a symbol .
*** - SYMBOL-PLIST: 1 is not a symbol
The following restarts are available:

> (symbol-plist 'search )
;;;Get the value of the attribute : 
;;;property list , of the symbol 
;;;search .

> (get 'search 'prop )
;;;Get the value of the 
;;;property prop found in 
;;;the property list of the 
;;;symbol search .

> (get 'search 'prop 1 )
;;;Get the value of the property , 
;;;prop found in the property list 
;;;of the symbol search . if no
;;;such property exists , return 
;;;a value of 1 . 

> (setf (get 'search 'prop ) 1 )
;;;set the value of the property ,
;;;prop , in the property list 
;;;of the symbol search , to 1 .

> (get 'search 'prop 1 )

To check if a thing is an atom , atom can be used , and to check if a thing is a symbol , symbolp can be used .

> (atom 1 )
;;;t symbolizes true .

> (atom t )

> (symbolp 1 )
;;;nil symbolizes false .

> (symbolp t )

To check if the symbol value attribute is bound , boundp can be used , and to check if the symbol function attribute is bound , fboundp can be used .

> (boundp 'pi )

> (boundp 'boundp )

> (fboundp 'pi )

> (fboundp 'boundp )

To make the value attribute , of a symbol , unbound , makunbound can be used , and to unbound a symbol function attribute , fmakunbound can be used .

> (set 'img-count 3 )
;;;Bound the value attribute 
;;;of the symbol img-count
;;;with the value 3 .

> (boundp 'img-count )
;;;Check if the symbol img-count
;;;is bound .

> (makunbound 'img-count )
;;;unbound the attribute value , 
;;;of the symbol img-count .

> (boundp 'img-count )
;;;Check if the symbol img-count
;;;is bound .

> (defun square(num ) (* num num ))
;;;Define a symbol square , and fbound 
;;;it .

> (fboundp 'square )
;;;Check if the symbol square is
;;;fbound .

> (fmakunbound 'square )
;;;unbound the symbol square 
;;;, function attribute .

> (fboundp 'square )
;;;Check if the symbol square 
;;;is fbound .

What is a cons , and what is a list ?

A list is formed of zero or more cons . A cons is just an object , that holds a reference to two other objects , the first one is called a car , and the last one is called a a cdr .

In a list , the cdr of each cons is either an atom , or a reference to the next cons , and the first element of each cons , is an atom .

If the list contains no elements , it is called an empty list , and it can be noted using () or nil . The empty list is both an atom , and a list , but it is not a cons .

To check if a thing is a list , listp can be used , and to check if a thing is a cons , consp can be used , and to check if a list is the empty list , null can be used .

If the last element of a list is a non empty list , the list is called the dotted list .

>(atom '( ) )

>(listp '( ) )

>(consp '( ) )

>(null '( ) )

>(cons '1 '2 )
;;;construct a dotted list , 
;;;its last element is not 
;;;nil .
(1 . 2)

> (cons '1 '() )
;;;construct a list , 
;;;its last element is 
;;;the nil atom .

> (null '(1 2 ) )
;;;(1 2 ) is not the 
;;;empty list .

> (listp '(1 2 ) )
;;;(1 2 ) is a list .

>(cdr '(1 . 2  ) )
;;;Get the last element 
;;;of the dotted list .

>(cdr '(1 ) )
;;;Get the last element 
;;;of the list .