Android services a tutorial


What is a service

A service is simply code which is running , and this code , does not have a GUI . The code runs , on the main thread of its application (hosted process) , unless the code creates , a runnable thread , or is run in a separate process .

The code can either show a notification indicating that it is running , in such a case , it is foreground code . A notification , must be shown when accessing , for example the microphone , or the camera .

The code can show no indication , that it is running , in such a case , it is background code , like for example , emptying the cache folder of an application .

The code can be interacted with , like for example to send a specific request , or to receive a given result . In such a case , the code is available , as long , as the code that it is interacting with , is available . This is bound code .

A code can be bound , and show a notification , or show no notification , or a code can be unbound , and show a notification , or show no notification .

A service , so the code that can be bound , or unbound , or showing , or not showing a notification , is created using the Service class , and is started using an Intent .

Service lifetime and lifecycle

The code of an instance of a class , has a life time , which is the period during which the instance exists . So a service also , has a lifetime .

A lifetime has a cycle , which is when the instance is first created , lastly destroyed , and what happens in between.

From android developers , the service lifecycle is as follows :

public class ServiceLifeCycle extends Service {

    public void onCreate() {
        /* This method is only called once , 
           when the service is being created , 
           before onStartCommand or onBind
           are called .*/ }

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        /* When a call to the startService
           method is made , 
           this method is called .
           It must return a lifetime flag ,
           which control the lifetime of 
           a service , started using startService .*/
        return startMode; }

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        /* When a call to the bindService 
           method is made  , this method 
           is called .*/
        return binder; }

    public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) {
        /* All clients have unbound 
           by calling the unbindService
           method .*/
        return allowRebind; }

    public void onRebind(Intent intent) {
        /* A client is binding to the service 
           by calling the bindService method , 
           after the onUnbind method 
           has been called .*/ }

    public void onDestroy() {
        /* This method is called , when the
           service is being destroyed . It
           should be used to clean any 
           resources  , for example
           threads .*/ }

    int startMode; 
    /* A lifetime flag , which indicates
       how to behave if the service is 
       killed .*/
    IBinder binder;     
    /* interface for clients that bind .*/

    boolean allowRebind; 
    /* indicates whether onRebind should 
       be used .*/ }

So for example , when startService is called , the code specified in onStartCommand will get executed , and it can be used to show a notification , so the service will be a foreground service , or no notification , so the service will be a background service .

After that , a call to bindService , can be made . The code specified in onBindService , will get executed . It must return an interface , which allows communication with a code . The code is bound to the lifetime of the clients , hence this is known as a bound service .

Lifetime flags

An instance of a Service , can have some flags set to it . These flags control the lifetime of the instance , of the Service .

These flags are only applicable , to a service which is started by calling startService . A service which has only the bindService() method called , is destroyed , when all the bound clients , have unbound .

The START_STICKY flag states , that when an instance of a Service is destroyed , for example on low memory , another instance of this service , will be created , as such the onCreate , and on onStartCommand will be called . The executing code is restarted from scratch , and no state is preserved . The original Intent , which started the first instance of the Service , is not re-passed to the onStartCommand , hence it is null .

The START_REDELIVER_INTENT flag dictates , that when an instance of a Service is destroyed , what happens , is that another instance of the Service is created . The executing code , is restarted from scratch , the onCreate , and onStartCommand functions are executed , in this case , the onStartCommand will receive the original Intent , that started the earlier instance , of the service .

The START_NOT_STICKY flag states , that when an instance of a Service is destroyed , it is not recreated , so it must be manually recreated .

A service which is showing a notification , has the same priority as an application which is running in the foreground , so it is less likely that it will be killed on low memory , but the important thing to remember , is that this is not important .

Registering a service

A Service must be declared in the manifest of an application , by adding a service element , as a child , to the application element .

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
    xmlns:android = ""
    package = "com.twiserandom.mobileapps.demo.coding_demo" >
      android:name = "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
  <application ... >
            android:name = "string"
            android:foregroundServiceType = "camera | connectedDevice |
                                             dataSync | location | mediaPlayback |
                                             mediaProjection | microphone | phoneCall" 
            android:process="string" >
            . . .

If the service is a foreground service , then uses-permission foreground service , must be specified in the manifest .

Also if the service is a foreground service , then using foregroundServiceType , it must state its type , which can be one or more , for example camera , or camera | microphone

The only required attribute , is the name attribute , which specifies the name of the class , that implements the service . The name of the class can either be fully qualified , by specifying the package to which this class belongs , or it can start with a dot . , in this case , it belongs to the package specified in the manifest .

A service can run on a different process , then the default process , created for the application , by using the process attribute . If the string name , in the process attribute , starts with a colon : , then the service will run in a newly created process , private to its application . If the string name , starts with a lower case letter , than the service will run in a global process , having the indicated name .

Starting , and stopping a service

A service can be started by calling startService , a service started by calling startService , is called a started service .

Intent intent = new Intent (this , Service_ClassName.class );
startService (intent );

Data can be added to an intent , like to specify some options , to the Service .

Intent intent = new Intent (this , Service_ClassName.class );
intent .putExtra ("do" , "what" );
intent .putExtra ("what-arg" , 0.5 );
startService (intent );

The startService method , can be called multiple times , as such the onStartCommand , can also be called multiple times .

A service started using the startService method , can be stopped using the stopService method .

Intent intent = new Intent (this , Service_ClassName.class );
stopService (intent );

It can also stop itself , using : stopSelf (int startId ) . The startId in stopSelf , is the one received from the onStartCommand . It is used to prevent the service from stopping itself , if new startService calls , have been issued , but if the most recent startId is used , then the service will stop itself , disregarding any previous startService calls .

A started service can display a notification that it is running , and promote itself to a foreground service , by using the startForeground method , which takes as parameters , a user defined notification id , and the actual notification , to display to the user .

startForeground (int id,  Notification notification)

To demote a foreground service , back to being a background service , the stopForeground method can be called . This does not stop the service from running . The stopForeground method , can also be passed a boolean true , to remove any displayed notifications . Now that the service is demoted , to being back a background service , it can be stopped as explained earlier , using stopSelf , or stopService .

A service can be started by calling the bindService method , which has the following signature :

public abstract boolean bindService (Intent intent, 
                ServiceConnection events, 
                int options)

The intent is just a regular intent to start a service , as shown earlier .

events , is just an instance of an interface , which must respond to the different binding events , that occurs , for example , onBindingDied , or onServiceConnected , or onServiceDisconnected .

options is just the options to control the binding process , for example the flag BIND_AUTO_CREATE , will automatically create the service .

If the service class exists , and the client is allowed to bind to it , the bindService method , returns true , otherwise it returns false .

When the binding is being performed , the onBind method is called , and it must return an instance of the IBinder interface . Binding is more related to interprocess communication , so to communicate between different process , but can be used in all cases . The binder class , implements the methods , that allow performing the interprocess communication , and we can extend it , to provide our own methods , as a service to a client .

A bound service , can be unbound , and stopped by using the unbindService method .

A service which has only its bindService method called , is automatically destroyed , when all the bound clients unbind , so after the onUnbind method is called .

If a service has been started using the startService method , and also started using the bindService method , then calling the stopService or stopSelf methods , will not destroy this service , until all bound clients have unbound , and vice versa , when all clients have unbound , but the stopSelf or stopService methods , have not been called , the service will not be destroyed .

Getting results from a service

A service started using the startService method , can use for example a toast , or a notification , or a broadcast … to provide or show some results . It can also be made bound , in order to retrieve results when necessary .

Demo application

This application illustrates all the points , talked about earlier . It has three services , one is used to purge the content of the cache directory , the second is used to record audio , and the third is used to interact with some code , so just to calculate the addition of n numbers , and to stop a started recording session .

The Service source code is as follows :

package com .twiserandom .mobileapps .demo .coding_demo;

import android .app .Notification;
import android .app .NotificationChannel;
import android .app .NotificationManager;
import android .app .Service;

import android .content .Intent;

import android .media .MediaRecorder;

import android .os .Binder;
import android .os .CountDownTimer;
import android .os .IBinder;

import android .util .Log;

import android .widget .Toast;

import androidx .localbroadcastmanager .content .LocalBroadcastManager;

import java .io .IOException;

import java .nio .file .DirectoryStream;
import java .nio .file .Files;
import java .nio .file .LinkOption;
import java .nio .file .Path;

import java .util .UUID;

public class Service_Demo extends Service {

    final String fnlStr_debug_tag = "Service Demo Debug";
    IBinder binder ;
    boolean allowRebind = false;
    boolean stop_recording = false;
    Thread thr_rmCache , thr_recordSound;

    public void
                onCreate() {
        binder = new LocalBinder ( ); }

    public int
                onStartCommand (Intent intent , int flags , int startId ){
        if(intent == null ){
            /* The service has been killed , and the startMode
               has been set set to START_STICKY . As such
               the service is now being restarted , with a
               null Intent , so the original intent
               is not delivered again .
               When START_STICKY is set , the intent
               itself is not primordial , for the
               service to run .*/
            thr_rmCache = new Thread (new Purge_Cache (startId ) ) ;
            thr_rmCache .run();
            return START_STICKY; }
        else {
            /*An intent has been delivered . Either , the service
              is starting fresh , or it has been killed  , and
              its start mode has been set to START_REDELIVER_INTENT .
              So the original intent is being redelivered .*/
            switch (intent .getStringExtra ("do" ) ){
                case "Clear Cache":
                    if (thr_rmCache == null ){
                        thr_rmCache = new Thread (new Purge_Cache (startId ) ) ;
                        thr_rmCache .run();
                        return START_STICKY; }
                case "Record Sound" :
                    if (thr_recordSound == null  ){
                        thr_recordSound = new Thread (new Record_Sound ( ) );
                        thr_recordSound .run ( );
                        return START_REDELIVER_INTENT; }
                    break; } }
        return START_NOT_STICKY; }

    public IBinder
                onBind(Intent intent ){
        /* extras are not delivered
           on binding , unbinding , or
           rebinding  .
           The intent delivered ,
           on binding , unbinding ,
           rebiding , is the original
           intent delivered when
           binding .*/
        return binder; }

    public boolean
                onUnbind(Intent intent) {
        return allowRebind; }

    public void
                onRebind(Intent intent) { }

    public void
                onDestroy( ) {
        if (thr_rmCache != null && thr_rmCache .isAlive ( ) )
            thr_rmCache .interrupt ( );
        if (thr_recordSound != null  )
            stop_recording = true ; }

     /* A class to Purge the cache directory  ,
      * it will show a toast when starting ,
      * the process , and when it is done
      * doing its job , it will show a
      * notification , and send a local
      * broadcast .*/
    class Purge_Cache implements Runnable {

        int startId;

                    Purge_Cache (int starId ){
            this .startId = starId; }

        public void
                    run ( ){
            //show a toast on start
            Toast .makeText(Service_Demo .this ,
                    "Clearing the cache directory" , Toast .LENGTH_LONG ) .show ( );

            //purge the cache
            purge_Cache (getCacheDir ( ) .toPath ( ) );

            //show a notification after cash is purged
            cleared_Cache_Notification ( );

            //Create a local broadcast
            Intent intent = new Intent ("Cache Purged" );
            intent .putExtra ("msg"  , "The cache is purged" );
            LocalBroadcastManager .getInstance (Service_Demo .this .getApplicationContext ( ) )
                .sendBroadcast (intent );

            thr_rmCache = null;
            if (thr_recordSound == null )
                stopSelf (startId ); }

        public void
                    purge_Cache (Path pathD  ){
            //Do not remove the directory , only its content recursively
            Log .d (fnlStr_debug_tag , pathD .toString ( ) );
            if (Thread .interrupted ( ) ){
                return ;}
            try (DirectoryStream<Path > paths =
                         Files .newDirectoryStream
                                 (pathD ) ){
                for (Path td_path : paths ){
                    Log .d (fnlStr_debug_tag , td_path . toString ( ) );
                    if (Files .isDirectory
                            (td_path , LinkOption .NOFOLLOW_LINKS ) ){
                        purge_Cache (td_path ); }
                    Files .delete (td_path ); }}
            catch (IOException | SecurityException exception ){
                Log .d (fnlStr_debug_tag , exception .toString ( ) );}}

        public void
                    cleared_Cache_Notification ( ){
            //Create notification channel
            String notification_channel_id = "coding_demo_cache_purged";
            NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel (notification_channel_id ,
                    "coding demo cache purged" , NotificationManager .IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT );
            channel .setDescription ("Coding demo cache purged channel" );
            NotificationManager notificationManager = getSystemService (NotificationManager .class );
            notificationManager .createNotificationChannel (channel );

            //create notification
            int notification_id = 1;
            Notification .Builder notification_builder =  new Notification
                    .Builder (Service_Demo .this , notification_channel_id )
                    .setSmallIcon (R .mipmap .ic_launcher )
                    .setContentTitle ("Code demo" )
                    .setContentText("The application cache is cleared" );

            notificationManager .notify (notification_id , notification_builder .build ( ) ); } }

    /* Record sound class
    class Record_Sound implements Runnable{

        CountDownTimer audioCapture_countDownTimer;
        MediaRecorder audioCapture_recorder;
        int audioCapture_duration = 25;

        public void
                    run ( ) {
            Toast .makeText(Service_Demo .this , "Starting to record Sound !" ,
                    Toast .LENGTH_SHORT ) .show ( );
            start_Recording ( );
            startForeground (2 , sound_Recording_Notification ( ) );

        public void
                    start_Recording ( ) {
            try {
                //Start recording
                String audioCapture_fileName = getCacheDir( ) .getAbsoluteFile( )
                        + "/"  + UUID .randomUUID( ) .toString( ) + ".m4a";
                audioCapture_recorder = new MediaRecorder ( );
                audioCapture_recorder .setAudioSource (MediaRecorder .AudioSource .MIC ) ;
                audioCapture_recorder .setOutputFormat (MediaRecorder .OutputFormat .MPEG_4 );
                audioCapture_recorder .setAudioEncoder (MediaRecorder .AudioEncoder .AAC );
                audioCapture_recorder .setAudioSamplingRate (44100 );
                audioCapture_recorder .setAudioChannels (2 );
                audioCapture_recorder .setAudioEncodingBitRate (32000 );
                audioCapture_recorder .setOutputFile (audioCapture_fileName );
                audioCapture_recorder .prepare ( );
                audioCapture_recorder .start ( );

                //Cancel recording after audioCapture_duration , or on interrupt
                audioCapture_countDownTimer = new CountDownTimer (audioCapture_duration * 1000 , 1000 ){
                    public void
                                onTick(long millisUntilFinished ){
                        if(stop_recording ){
                            audioCapture_countDownTimer .cancel ( ) ;
                            stop_Recording ( ); }}
                    public void
                                onFinish ( ){
                        Toast .makeText(Service_Demo .this ,
                                "Finished recording audio" , Toast .LENGTH_SHORT ) .show();
                        stop_Recording ( ); }};
                audioCapture_countDownTimer .start( ); }

            catch (Exception exception ){
                Log .d (fnlStr_debug_tag , exception .toString ( ) );
                Toast .makeText(Service_Demo .this , "Failed to record sound "
                        , Toast .LENGTH_SHORT ); }}

        public void
                    stop_Recording ( ){
            audioCapture_recorder .stop( );
            audioCapture_recorder .release( );
            thr_recordSound = null ;
            stop_recording = false ;
            stopForeground (true ); }

        public Notification
                    sound_Recording_Notification ( ){
            // Create notification channel
            String notification_channel_id = "coding_demo_audio_capture";
            NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel (
                    notification_channel_id , "coding demo audio capture" ,
                    NotificationManager .IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT );
            channel .setDescription("Coding demo audio capture channel" );
            NotificationManager notificationManager = getSystemService (NotificationManager .class );
            notificationManager .createNotificationChannel (channel );

            // Create the notification
            Notification .Builder notification_builder =  new Notification
                    .Builder (Service_Demo .this , notification_channel_id )
                    .setSmallIcon (R .mipmap .ic_launcher_round )
                    .setContentTitle ("Code demo" )
                    .setContentText ("Sound is being recorded" );
            return notification_builder .build ( ); }}

    class LocalBinder extends Binder{
        public int
                add (int ... vars_i ){
            int sum = 0;
            for (int var_i : vars_i ){
                sum += var_i ; }
            return sum ; }

        public void
                    stopRecordSound (){
            if(thr_recordSound != null  ){
                stop_recording = true ;
                Log .d (fnlStr_debug_tag , "Audio recording is stopped " );  }}}}

The main activity source code is as follows :

package com .twiserandom .mobileapps .demo .coding_demo;

import androidx .annotation .NonNull;
import androidx .appcompat .app .AppCompatActivity;
import androidx .localbroadcastmanager .content .LocalBroadcastManager;

import android .Manifest;

import android .content .BroadcastReceiver;
import android .content .ComponentName;
import android .content .Context;
import android .content .Intent;
import android .content .IntentFilter;
import android .content .ServiceConnection;
import android .content .pm .PackageManager;

import android .os .Bundle;
import android .os .IBinder;

import android .util .Log;

import android .view .View;
import android .view .ViewGroup;

import android .widget .Button;
import android .widget .LinearLayout;
import android .widget .Toast;

public class Activity_Main extends AppCompatActivity {

    final String fnlStr_debug_tag = "Activity Main Debug";
    final int fnlInt_request_audio_permissions = 1013;
    final  Button_Model arr_btnModels [ ]  = {
            new Button_Model (Button_Model .fnlStr_code_notification ) ,
            new Button_Model (Button_Model .fnlStr_code_noNotification ) ,
            new Button_Model (Button_Model .fnlStr_codeBound_notification_noNotification ) } ;

    protected void
                onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState ){
        super .onCreate (savedInstanceState );
        create_Interface ( );
        register_Broadcast_Receiver ( ); }

    public void
                create_Interface( ){
        LinearLayout ll = new LinearLayout (this );
        ll .setOrientation (LinearLayout .VERTICAL);
        Click_Listener_Buttons click_listener_buttons =  new Click_Listener_Buttons ( );

        Button btn ;
        for (Button_Model btnModel : arr_btnModels ){
            btn = new Button (this ) ;
            btn .setText (btnModel .btn_text );
            btn .setTag (btnModel .btn_text );
            btn .setOnClickListener (click_listener_buttons );
            ll .addView (btn ,
                    ViewGroup .LayoutParams .MATCH_PARENT ,
                    ViewGroup .LayoutParams .WRAP_CONTENT ); }
        setContentView(ll ); }

    public void
                register_Broadcast_Receiver ( ){
        CachePurged_Receiver cachePurged_receiver = new CachePurged_Receiver ( );
        IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter ("Cache Purged" );
        LocalBroadcastManager .getInstance (getApplicationContext ( ) )
                .registerReceiver (cachePurged_receiver , intentFilter );

    /*Cache Purged Receiver Class */
    class CachePurged_Receiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
        public void
                    onReceive(Context context, Intent intent ){
            Log .d (fnlStr_debug_tag , "Cache Purged Broadcast Received" );
            Toast .makeText (context , intent .getStringExtra ("msg" ) ,
                    Toast .LENGTH_LONG ) .show ( ); }}

    /* Buttons Click Listeners class */
    class Click_Listener_Buttons implements View .OnClickListener{
        Service_Demo .LocalBinder localBinder;
        Service_Connection service_connection;

        public void
                    onClick(View view ){
            Intent intent = new Intent (Activity_Main .this , Service_Demo .class ); ;
            switch ((String ) view .getTag( ) ){
                case Button_Model .fnlStr_code_noNotification:
                    Log .d (fnlStr_debug_tag , "running some code without a notification" );
                    //start service purge cache
                    intent .putExtra ("do" , "Clear Cache" );
                    startService (intent );
                case Button_Model .fnlStr_code_notification:
                    Log .d (fnlStr_debug_tag , "running some code showing a notification" );
                    //check for permissions
                    if (checkSelfPermission (Manifest .permission .RECORD_AUDIO ) == PackageManager .PERMISSION_GRANTED ){
                        // granted start audio recording service
                        intent .putExtra ("do" , "Record Sound" );
                        startService (intent );  }
                        // not granted , request the permissions
                        requestPermissions (new String [ ]{Manifest .permission .RECORD_AUDIO } ,
                                fnlInt_request_audio_permissions );}
                case Button_Model .fnlStr_codeBound_notification_noNotification:
                    /* Click the third button , which is this switch case ,
                       only after starting an audio recording service ,
                       since it will automatically stop it ,
                       If you click it a second time , it is not necessary ,
                       to start recording , it will just unding the service . */
                    Log .d (fnlStr_debug_tag , "Bound code interacting with code showing and not showing a notification" );
                    if (service_connection != null ){
                        unbindService (service_connection );
                        service_connection = null; }
                        service_connection = new Service_Connection ( );
                        bindService(intent , service_connection , Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); }
                    break; } }

        class Service_Connection implements ServiceConnection{

            public void
                        onServiceConnected (ComponentName name , IBinder service){
                // Called when binding has been established .
                localBinder = (Service_Demo .LocalBinder ) service;
                Log .d (fnlStr_debug_tag , "" + localBinder .add (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) );
                // call the add method in the bound service .
                localBinder .stopRecordSound();
                /* Stop sound recording in the bound service */ }

            public void
                        onServiceDisconnected (ComponentName name ){
                //Called when binding is lost .
                localBinder = null; }

            public void
                        onBindingDied (ComponentName name ){
                // Called when  binding is dead.
                localBinder = null; }

            public void
                        onNullBinding (ComponentName name ){
                // Called when onBind returns null
                localBinder = null; } }}

    public void
                onRequestPermissionsResult (int requestCode , @NonNull String [ ] permissions , @NonNull int [ ] grantResults ){
        super .onRequestPermissionsResult (requestCode , permissions , grantResults );
        switch (requestCode ){
            case fnlInt_request_audio_permissions :
                if(grantResults .length > 0 && grantResults [0 ] == PackageManager .PERMISSION_GRANTED ){
                    //audio record permission has been granted
                    Intent intent = new Intent(Activity_Main .this , Service_Demo .class);
                    intent .putExtra ("do" , "Record Sound" );
                    startService (intent ); }
                    Log .d (fnlStr_debug_tag , "Permission to record sound not granted" ); }}}

class Button_Model{
    final static String fnlStr_code_noNotification = "Code no notification Service";
    final static String fnlStr_code_notification = "Code notification Service";
    final static String fnlStr_codeBound_notification_noNotification = "Code bound notification and no notification Service";

    String btn_text;

                Button_Model (String btn_text ){
        this.btn_text = btn_text; } }

And the manifest source code is as follows :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

    <uses-permission android:name = "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />

        <activity android:name=".Activity_Main">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
            android:name = ".Service_Demo"
            android:foregroundServiceType = "microphone">



An IntentService , is a service which is an instance , of the IntentService class . The IntentService class is a subclass of the Service class .

The IntentService class , uses a single worker thread , when a call to startService is made , as not to implement one’s own thread . This thread is different from the application main thread .

Calls made to startService , are processed sequentially , on this newly created thread , one after another , and the IntentService automatically stops itself , when no more work is to be done .

IntentService is deprecated , and JobIntentService must be used instead .