what is a character in python ?

What is a character in python ?

A character in python is represented using a Unicode code point. A Unicode code point is written by using U+ followed by a number written in hexadecimal . This number written in hexadecimal represents a character , it has a min value of 0x0 and a max value of 0x10_ff_ff which is 1_114_111 in decimal . A Unicode code point hex_number can be represented by using 21 bits .

>>> max_unicode_hex_number = 0x10_ff_ff
>>> max_unicode_hex_number.bit_length()

For example the Unicode point U+0000 represents the null character. 0000 is written in hexadecimal , it has a decimal and a hexadecimal value of 0 .

The Unicode point U+0030 represents the 0 character. 0030 is written in hexadecimal , it has a decimal value of 48 and a hexadecimal value of 30.

The Unicode point U+0061 represents the a character. 0061 is written in hexadecimal , it has a decimal value of 97 and a hexadecimal value of 61.

The Unicode point U+0062 represents the b character. 0062 is written in hexadecimal , it has a decimal value of 98 and a hexadecimal value of 62.

Get a character Unicode code point decimal value using ord

We can use the ord (character) function to get a character Unicode code point decimal value . So we will get the hexadecimal number in U+hex_number expressed in decimal .

>>> unicode_number_of_a = ord('a')
>>> unicode_number_of_a
>>> unicode_number_of_b = ord('b')
>>> unicode_number_of_b

Get a character Unicode code point hexadecimal number using hex

We can use the hex(ord (character)) function to get a character Unicode code point hexadecimal value . So to get the hex number in U+hex_number .

>>> hex_unicode_number_of_a = hex(ord('a'))
>>> hex_unicode_number_of_a
>>> hex_unicode_number_of_b = hex(ord('b'))
>>> hex_unicode_number_of_b

In this example the character a ( U+0061) Unicode code point hexadecimal number is 0x61 and the character b (U+0062) Unicode code point hexadecimal number is 0x62

Representing characters in python using a glyph

Characters that have a glyph or a symbol , can be represented in python by using a single , double or triple quote enclosing their glyph or symbol. The quotes must contain only one character . If they contain more than one character we will have a string .

>>> single_quote = 'a'
>>> single_quote
>>> double_quote = "b"
>>> double_quote
>>> triple_quote = '''c'''
>>> triple_quote

In this example we have the characters a , b , and c which are represented using their glyph or symbols a b c .

Representing characters in python using an escape sequence

An escape sequence is enclosed in single , double or triple quotes , and it starts with the backslash character .

we may need an escape sequence either for :

  • Representing characters that don’t have a glyph or symbol to represent them . For example a new line is represented in Unicode by the the Unicode code point U+000A . A new line doesn’t have a glyph or a symbol to represent it , as such it is represented in python by using the escape sequence '\n' .
    >>> newLine_character = '\n' 
    # A new line has no symbol to represent it. 
    # We represent it using the escape sequence \n
    >>> ord(newLine_character) 
    # The new line character has a Unicode code point 
    # of 10 in decimal

  • Escaping characters that are used by python in a special way. For example :
    • The single and double quote characters are used to represent a string , so to represent the single or double quote themselves , we must use an escape sequence '\'' "\"" .
    • The backslash character is used to escape a sequence so to represent it itself , we must use an escape sequence '\\'
  • Escaping something that can be interpreted by python in a special way . For example we can use the escape sequences \u \U \x , to represent characters by their Unicode code point hex number . We can also represent characters by using an octal escape sequence , or by using their Unicode name .

Sometimes we don’t want an escape sequence to be interpreted in python . We can do this in two ways . We can either escape the backslash that starts an escape sequence with another backslash:

>>> escaping_an_escape_sequence = '\\a'
# We can escape an escape sequence
# by escaping the backslash that starts the 
# escape sequence by another one . 
# \\a , creates two characters 
# \\ is the backslash character which 
#    has a Unicode code point of 
#    U+005c .
# a is the a character which has a 
#   Unicode code point of of U+0061
>>> escaping_an_escape_sequence

>>> bell_character = '\a'
# we didn't escape the escape sequence 
# \a by a preceding backslash . \a is 
# the bell character which has a Unicode 
# code point of U+0007

Or we can precede the string containing an escape sequence by an r –raw –. This has the same effect of preceding every backslash with another one , so we are escaping all the escape sequences .

>>> escaping_an_escape_sequence = r'\n\a'
# escaping_an_escape_sequence is formed 
# of a backslash followed by the n 
# character followed by another backslash
# followed by the a character
>>> escaping_an_escape_sequence 
>>> print(escaping_an_escape_sequence)
>>> escape_sequence = '\n\a'
# escape_sequence is formed of 
# the new line character followed
# by the bell character which has a 
# a Unicode code point of U+0007
>>> escape_sequence 

Representing characters in python by using \u \U \x

A character in python has a Unicode code point , which is formed of U+hex_number . Instead of representing character in python by using their glyph , we can represent them by using their Unicode code point hex_number .

A Unicode code point hex number has 21 bits . It has a min value of 0 and a max value of 0x10_ff_ff.

  • When the Unicode code point hex number has a value between 0x0 and 0xff , we can represent it by using the \x , \u and \U escape sequence .
  • When the Unicode code point hex number has a value between 0x0 and 0xff_ff , we can represent it by using the \u , and \U escape sequence .
  • When the Unicode code point hex number has a value between 0x0 and 0x10_ff_ff , we can represent it by using the \U escape sequence .

For example the z character has a unicode code point of U+007a . Its unicode code point hex number is less then or equal to 0xff as such we can represent it by using \x \u \U .

>>> character_represented_through_its_hex_number = '\x7a' 
>>> character_represented_through_its_hex_number
>>> character_represented_through_its_hex_number = '\u007a' 
>>> character_represented_through_its_hex_number 
>>> character_represented_through_its_hex_number = '\U0000007a' 
>>> character_represented_through_its_hex_number

The βˆ‚ character has a unicode code point of U+2202 , its hexadecimal number is 0x22_02 . It is larger than 0xff as such it cannot be represented by using \x , and it can only be represented by \u or \U .

>>> character_represented_through_its_hex_number = '\u2202' 
>>> character_represented_through_its_hex_number
>>> character_represented_through_its_hex_number = '\U00002202' 
>>> character_represented_through_its_hex_number

The 𐅖 character has a unicode code point of U+10156 , its hexadecimal number is larger than 0xff_ff , hence it can only represented by using \U .

>>> character_represented_through_its_hex_number = '\U00010156'
>>> character_represented_through_its_hex_number 

Representing characters By using octal

We can represent characters which have unicode code point between U+0000 and U+00FF by using an octal escape sequence . The octal escape sequence is a backslash followed by three octal numbers .

For example the letter ΓΏ , has a code point of U+00FF , its hexadecimal number is FF which is 377 in octal as such we can represent it by using the octal escape sequence \377 .

>>> character_represented_through_an_octal_escape_sequence = '\377'
>>> character_represented_through_an_octal_escape_sequence

Representing characters using their unicode name \N{name}

We can represent characters in python by using their unicode name . We can use the unicodeData file to get the unicode name of a character or we can use the unicodedata module .

The unicodeData file contain the properties of the unicode characters .

03C4;GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU;Ll;0;L;;;;;N;;;03A4;;03A4 

# The unicode code point 03C4 has a name of 
# GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU . its category is Ll 
# which is letter lowercase .  It has a
# bidirectional class of L , which is left to 
# right . N means that  this character cannot
# be mirrored as in using a mirror . For example 
# ( is mirrored to ) . 
# its uppercase is T and it has a unicode code point 
# of 03A4 , and its title case is T and it has a 
# hexadecimal number of 04A4

We can also use the unicodedata module to get the unicode properties of a character .

>>> import unicodedata

>>> unicodedata.name('τ')
# get the unicode character name of τ

>>> unicodedata.bidirectional('τ') 
# get the bidirectional class of τ ,
# it is L which means  Left to Right

>>> unicodedata.category('τ')
# get the unicode category of τ
# it is 'Ll' , which means 
# letter lower case

So if we want to write a character using its unicode character name , we can do it like this .

>>> import unicodedata

>>> unicodedata.name('a')
>>> charachter_a = '\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A}'
# use the escape sequence \n{name} to represent
# the character a
>>> charachter_a

>>> unicodedata.name('p')
>>> charachter_p = '\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER P}'
# use the escape sequence \n{name} to represent
# the character p
>>> charachter_p

What is encoding ?

A character has a Unicode code point. Its code point is formed of U+hex_number. The hexadecimal number has a min value of 0 , and a max value of 0x10_ff_ff and it has a max length of 21 bits .

Encoding is how we are going to represent these 21 bits in computer. There are three encoding schemes , and they are

  • Utf-32 which is about encoding the unicode code point hex number by using 32 bit . As such we only need one utf-32 unit to encode it.
  • Utf-16 , which is about encoding the unicode code point hex number by using 16 bits .As such we need 1 or two utf-16 units to encode it .
  • Utf-8 which is about encoding the unicode code point number by using 8 bits . As such we need one , two , three or four utf-8 units to to encode it . The next picture summarizes how to encode unicode code points by using utf-8 .


what is ascii ?

ASCII stands for American standard code for information interchange . It is an encoding of characters by using only 7 bits . It has a min value of 0 and a max value of 127 . The encoding is done on a byte , as such the first bit is always 0. ASCII encoding and Unicode code points between 0 and 127 are the same .