Sets in python a tutorial

In this tutorial , we will show how to use sets in python . We will start by explaining what is a set. After that we will explain how to use sets , so the various operations that we can perform , finally we will give some practical usage examples of a set . I will also provide a summary for the various operations that can be performed on a set .

what is a set

A set in python is a sequence of unique unordered elements. hence it doesn’t contain any duplicate . We can perform mathematical operations on a set , such as membership testing , intersection union … This being said , we can use sets to remove duplicate from an iterable.

Sets are not subscriptable , hence we cannot access a set using the index operator [] , and we cannot perform slicing , or any operation that is dependent on being able to be indexed .

Sets are mutable , we can add and remove elements from a set , but a set cannot contain mutable elements such as a sequence or a dictionary , or a set.

Creating a set

We can create a set by using the set(iterable) notation or by using the literal {element,} notation . The {} cannot be used to create an empty set , as this used to create a dictionary.

>>> _set = set(['pen', 'pen', 'notebook'])
# create a set from an iterable

>>> print(f'_set : {_set}')
{'notebook', 'pen'}
all duplicate are removed

>>> _dict = {}
# {} is used to create an empty dictionary not an empty set

>>> print(type(_dict))
# <class 'dict'>

>>> _set = {1,2,3,1,2,3}
# create a set using {element ,} 

>>> print(f'_set : {_set}')
_set : {1, 2, 3}

Adding elements to a set

we cannot alter an element in a set , since we cannot use the subscript operator , and there are no methods to change a specific element . We can add or remove elements to a set . To add elements , we use the set add method as follows :

>>> _set = {'cup', 'pen', 'ipad'}  
# create a set

>>> _set
{'cup', 'pen', 'ipad'}

>>> _set.add('charger')
>>> _set
{'cup', 'pen', 'charger', 'ipad'}

>>> _set.add('phone') 
>>> _set
{'cup', 'ipad', 'pen', 'phone', 'charger'}

Remove elements from a set

  • we can remove an arbitrary element from a set using set.pop. set.pop will throw keyError if the set is empty , if it is not empty it will remove an return the element
  • we can remove a specific element from a set using set.discard
  • we can clear all the set elements using set.clear() method
>>> _set = set('removing elements from a set an example')
>>> _set
{'t', 'x', 'a', 'n', 'f', 'v', 'm', 'e', 'i', 'l', 'p', 'g', ' ', 's', 'r', 'o'}

# popping an arbitrary element from a set
>>> _set.pop()  
>>> _set.pop()  

#removing a specific element
>>> _set.discard('e')
>>> _set.discard('n')
# if the element doesn't exist discard does nothing

#clear all elements of a set
>>> _set.clear()
>>> _set

Basic set operations

we can perform some basic set operations .

they are the union , the intersection , the difference , the symmetric difference (union – intersection )

>>> _setOne = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
>>> _setTwo = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

# union
>>> _union = _setOne | _setTwo
>>> _union
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

>>> _union = _setOne.union(_setTwo)
>>> _union
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

# intersection
>>> _intersection = _setOne & _setTwo 
>>> _intersection
{4, 5}

>>> _intersection = _setOne.intersection(_setTwo) 
>>> _intersection
{4, 5}

# subtraction
>>> _subtraction = _setOne - _setTwo 
>>> _subtraction
{1, 2, 3}

>>> _subtraction = _setOne.difference(_setTwo)
>>> _subtraction
{1, 2, 3}

# symmetric difference union - intersection
>>> _symmetricDifference = _setOne ^ _setTwo 
>>> _symmetricDifference
{1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9}

>>> _symmetricDifference = _setOne.symmetric_difference(_setTwo)
>>> _symmetricDifference
{1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9}

Sets Relationship

we can check if one set is a subset or superset of another . we can also check if two sets are disjoint hence they have no elements in common .

_setOne = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
_setTwo = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

# check if a set is a subset of another
>>> _setOne.issubset(_setTwo)

>>> _setOne < _setTwo

>>> _setOne.issubset(_setOne)

>>> set().issubset(_setOne) 

>>> set().issubset(set())

# check if a set is a superset of another
>>> _setTwo.issuperset(_setOne)

>>> _setTwo > _setOne 

>>> _setTwo.issuperset(_setTwo)

>>> set().issuperset(_setOne) 

>>> set().issuperset(set())

# check if two sets are disjoint
>>> _setOne.isdisjoint(_setTwo)

>>> {''}.isdisjoint(_setTwo)

#check if two sets are equal 
>>> _setOne == _setTwo

#check if two sets don't have the same elements
>>> _setOne != _setTwo

Updating a set

we can update a set , so update the elements inside a set using :

  • update (union update): calculate the union of set a and set b , and set the result to a
  • intersection_update : calculate the intersection of a and b and set the result to a
  • difference_update : remove the elements of set b from set a and set the result to a
  • symmetric_difference_update : calculate the union minus the intersection of set a and b and set the result to a
>>> _setOne = {'a', 'b'}
>>> _setTwo = {'b', 'c', 'd'}

# update
>>> _setOne |= _setTwo
>>> _setOne
{'b', 'd', 'a', 'c'}

>>> _setOne = {'a', 'b'}
>>> _setOne.update(_setTwo)
>>> _setOne
{'b', 'd', 'a', 'c'}

# intersection update
>>> _setOne = {'a', 'b'}
>>> _setOne &= _setTwo 
>>> _setOne

>>> _setOne = {'a', 'b'}
>>> _setOne.intersection_update(_setTwo) 
>>> _setOne

# difference update
>>> _setOne = {'a', 'b'}
>>> _setOne -= _setTwo  
>>> _setOne

>>> _setOne = {'a', 'b'}
>>> _setOne.difference_update(_setTwo) 
>>> _setOne

# symmetric difference update
>>> _setOne = {'a', 'b'}
>>> _setOne ^= _setTwo
>>> _setOne
{'c', 'd', 'a'}

>>> _setOne = {'a', 'b'}
>>> _setOne.symmetric_difference_update(_setTwo)
>>> _setOne
{'c', 'd', 'a'}

Testing if an element is in a set

we can use the in operator to test if an element is inside a set

>>> _setOne = {1, 2, 3, 4}

>>> 1 in _setOne

>>> 'a' in _setOne

Looping and list comprehension

>>> _set = {'small cup', 'medium cup', 'large cup'}
>>> for _s in _set:
...     print(_s)
medium cup
small cup
large cup

>>> _setOnlySmall = {_s for _s in _set if _s == 'small cup'}
>>> _setOnlySmall
{'small cup'}

Copying a set

>>> _setOne = {1, 2, 3, 4}
>>> _setTwo = _setOne.copy()
>>> _setOne == _setTwo 
>>> _setOne
{1, 2, 3, 4}

Time Complexity

From python wiki

Practical examples about using sets

Purging data

Let us say we have some data , that we have gotten from a source , and that this data needs some purging .

For example we are doing the inventory , and we are not sure if the person who was doing the inventory made any error . As such we want to remove any duplicate data.

The data is in a file , and the names of the materials are separated by space . So we can represent this as having a string containing the name of the materials separated by a space .

>>> data = 'cup coffee charger phone phone cup coffee charger'
>>> dataPurged = set(data.split(' '))

>>> data
'cup coffee charger phone phone cup coffee charger'

>>> dataPurged
{'cup', 'coffee', 'charger', 'phone'}.

Checking if the letters of a string are contained within another one

Let us say we have an alphabet stored in a string , and we want to check if a word is formed from this alphabet , hence we can rephrase the problem into checking if the letters in this word are in the alphabet .

>>> alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
>>> word= 'wordverifyformedfromalphabet'
>>> set(word)< set(alphabet)

Set operations quick summary

  • creation
    • _set = set(iterable)
    • _set = {element , } # cannot use {} without any element inside
  • adding elements
    • _set.add(element)
  • removing elements
    • _set.clear() #empty the set
    • _set.pop() #remove an arbitrary element from a set , throw keyError if set empty
    • _set.discard(element) # remove element from set , doesn’t return anything and doesn’t throw an error
  • Basic set operations
    • _union = _setOne | _setTwo
    • _union = _setOne.union(_setTwo)
    • _intersection = _setOne & _setTwo
    • _intersection = _setOne.intersection(_setTwo)
    • _symmetricDifference = _setOne ^ _setTwo # Union Minus Intersection
    • _symmetricDifference = _setOne.symmetric_difference(_setTwo)
  • Basic sets relationships
    • _setOne.issubset(_setTwo)
    • _setOne < setTwo # _setOne.issubset(_setTwo)
    • _setTwo.issuperset(_setOne)
    • _setOne > setTwo # _setTwo.issuperset(_setOne)
    • _setOne.isdisjoint(_setTwo) # no elements in common
    • _setOne == _setTwo # they have the same elements
    • _setOne != _setTwo # they don’t have the same elements
  • Updating a set
    • _setOne |= _setTwo # union update
    • _setOne.update(_setTwo) # union update
    • _setOne &= _setTwo # intersect update
    • _setOne.intersection_update(_setTwo) # intersect update
    • _setOne -= _setTwo #difference update
    • _setOne.difference_update(_setTwo) # difference update
    • _setOne ^= _setTwo # symmetric difference update
    • _setOne.symmetric_difference_update(_setTwo) # symmetric difference update
  • Testing if an element is in a set
    • elem in _setOne
  • Looping and list comprehension
    • for _s in _set : #do something #not in order
    • {_s for _s in _set if _s is int} # not in order
  • copying
    • _setOne.copy() # creates a shallow copy