A better way to write code , for it to be more readable , and understandable !


The idea , is that a word must be readable , and understandable on first eye sight . So each word has a usable meaning on eye sight . For example , imagine that a voice recorder api , is being written :

import static java .lang .System .out;

import java .io .IOException;
import java .io .InputStream;

import java .nio .file .Files;

interface AV_Audio_Recorder{ 
    public void record (InputStream inputStream );
    public void stop ( ); };

interface Dictionary{ };
interface Url{ };

public class AudioRecorder{

    boolean audioSession_active;

    AV_Audio_Recorder audioCapture_recorder;
    Dictionary audioCapture_settings; 
    boolean audioCapture_recording;

    String callback_id;

    Url app_tmpDirectory_URL; 

    public void audioCapture_Start( ){
        try (InputStream inputStream  = 
                Files .newInputStream ((Files 
                        .createTempFile ("capture" , "m4a" ) ))){
            audioCapture_recorder .record (inputStream ); }
        catch (IOException ioException ){ }
        out .println ("Recording Started" );}

    public void audioCapture_Stop( ){
        audioCapture_recorder .stop ( ); 
        out .println ("Recording Stoped" ); }}
import static java.lang.System.out;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

import java.nio.file.Files;

interface AVAudioRecorder {
    public void record(InputStream inputStream);

    public void stop();

interface Dictionary {

interface Url {

public class AudioRecorder {

    boolean audioSessionActive;

    AVAudioRecorder audioCaptureRecorder;
    Dictionary audioCaptureSettings;
    boolean audioCaptureRecording;

    String callbackId;

    Url apptTmpDirectoryUrl;

    public void audioCaptureStart() {
        try (InputStream inputStream = 
            Files.newInputStream(Files.createTempFile("capture", "m4a"))) {
        } catch (IOException ioException) {
        out.println("Recording Started");

    public void audioCaptureStop() {
        out.println("Recording Stoped");

So the idea is to have a word readable and understandable code , this can be done as follows :

A variable , such as audioCapture_recorder , must be all lower case , its eyesight meaningful words , must be separated using _ .

A method , such as audioCapture_Start , has its first word , all lower case , its subsequent words , start with a capital letter , and its forming words , separated using _ .

Interfaces , and classes , such as AV_Audio_Recorder , must have each of their word first letter , being capital , and forming eyesight meaningful words , separated using _ .

Whitespace is very important to use . It is used to separated imports , and invocation of methods and fields . It is also used to separate the parameters list , from the method name .

Brackets and parenthesis , are accumulated into one place , to make the code look terser .

An android code , that illustrates , this concept , the original code can be found here .

package com .twiserandom .bitmap_canvas_paint;

import android .graphics .Bitmap;
import android .graphics .Canvas;
import android .graphics .Paint;

import android .support .annotation .ColorInt;
import android .support .v7 .app. AppCompatActivity; // AppCompat_Activity instead of AppCompatActivity

import android .os .Bundle;

import android .view .ViewGroup;
import android .widget .ImageView;
import android .widget .LinearLayout;

public class BitmapCanvas_PaintActivity extends AppCompatActivity { 

    /* Create a 32 bit int color .*/
    public static final int final_color_fuchsia  = 0xFFFF00FF;

    ImageView ivOne , ivTwo;

    protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState ){
        super .onCreate (savedInstanceState );

        /* Create a linear layout with vertical orientation .*/
        LinearLayout ll = new LinearLayout (this );
        ll .setOrientation (LinearLayout .VERTICAL );

        /* Create two imageViews .*/
        ivOne = new ImageView (this );
        ivTwo = new ImageView (this );

        /* Set the layoutparam of the imageViews
         *   width : match parent
         *   height: wrap content
         *   weight : 1 .*/
        ll .addView (ivOne , 
                        new LinearLayout
                                (ViewGroup .LayoutParams .MATCH_PARENT , 
                                    ViewGroup .LayoutParams .WRAP_CONTENT , 
                                    1 ) );
        ll .addView (ivTwo , 
                        new LinearLayout
                            .LayoutParams(ViewGroup .LayoutParams .MATCH_PARENT , 
                                            ViewGroup .LayoutParams .WRAP_CONTENT , 1 ) );

        /* Create bitmap with 200px width , and height of 100px .*/
        Bitmap bm = Bitmap .createBitmap (200 , 100 , Bitmap .Config .ARGB_8888 );

        /* Create a canvas object .*/
        Canvas cv = new Canvas (bm );

        /* Create a paint object .*/
        Paint paint = new Paint ( );
        paint .setColor (final_color_fuchsia );

        /* Draw a rectangle on the bitmap .*/
        cv .drawRect (0 , 0 , 200 , 100 , paint );

        /* Crete a copy of the bitmap
             from x , y
             with width and height .*/
        Bitmap bmCopy = Bitmap .createBitmap (bm , 30 , 40 , 100 , 50 );

        bmCopy .eraseColor (0xFF123456 );

        /* Set scale type of the imageViews to center
               No scaling is performed on the bitmap
               bitmap is just centered .*/
        ivOne .setScaleType (ImageView .ScaleType .CENTER );
        ivTwo .setScaleType (ImageView .ScaleType .CENTER );

        /* Set the bitmaps on the image views .*/
        ivOne .setImageBitmap (bm );
        ivTwo .setImageBitmap (bmCopy );

        /* Set the activity content view
             to ll : linearlayout
             it will take the full width and height by default .*/
        setContentView (ll ); }}

Another example , which original code , can be found here , near the bottom of the page .

package com .difyel .test ;

import java .io .IOException;
import java .io .PrintWriter;

import java .util .Enumeration;

import javax .servlet .annotation .WebServlet;
import javax .servlet .annotation .WebInitParam;

import javax .servlet .ServletException;
import javax .servlet .ServletConfig;

import javax .servlet .http .HttpServlet;
import javax .servlet .http .HttpServletRequest;
import javax .servlet .http .HttpServletResponse;

    urlPatterns = "/servlet-get-init-parameters",
    initParams = {
        @WebInitParam (name="an-init-param-name" , value="an-init-param-value" ) })

public class ServletGetInitParameter extends HttpServlet{

    protected void doGet (HttpServletRequest req  , HttpServletResponse resp ) throws IOException , ServletException{
        PrintWriter out = resp .getWriter();

        out .println ("<html>" );
        out .println ("<head>" );
        out .println ("<title> Servlet page , Get init parameters</title>" );
        out .println ("</head>" );
        out .println ("<body>" );
        out .println ("<ul>" );

        ServletConfig config = this .getServletConfig ( );
        /* Get the ServletConfig object .*/

        out .println("<li>Servlet name : " + config .getServletName ( ) + "</li>" );
        /* Print the servlet name .*/

        Enumeration <String > init_parameters_name = config .getInitParameterNames ( );
        /*Get the init parameter names .*/

        if (init_parameters_name .hasMoreElements ( ) ){
            out .println ("<li>" );
            out .println ("<p>Init Parameter Names : Init Parameter values<p>" );
            out .println ("<ul>" );

            while (init_parameters_name .hasMoreElements ( ) ){
                String init_parameter_name = init_parameters_name .nextElement ( );
                String init_parameter_value = config .getInitParameter (init_parameter_name );
                out .println ("<li>" + init_parameter_name + " : " + init_parameter_value + "</li>" ); }
            out .println ("</ul>" );
            out .println ("</li>" ); }
            out .println ("<li> No init parameters were passed to the servlet  . </li>" ); }

            out .println ("<li>Servlet context name : " + config .getServletContext ( ) .getServletContextName ( ) + "</li>" );
            /*Print the servlet context name*/

        out .println ("</body>" );
        out .println ("</html>" ); }}