The DisplayMetrics class in android a tutorial

What is the DisplayMetrics class ?

The DisplayMetrics class is used to get various information about the screen in android .The information that we can get are the following :

  • DENSITY_DEVICE_STABLE : The density of the device in ppi read from the system settings , this density does not change.
  • densityDpi : The user can change the display size in android , and set it to Small , Default , Large , Larger , Largest . This will affect the device density . densityDpi is the DENSITY_DEVICE_STABLE plus or minus the set display size.

  • density : this is the densityDpi divided by the default density which is 160 ppi . So if we want to know how much a dp will be equal in pixels on this device , we can multiply the dp by the density.
  • scaledDensity : this is the density multiplied by the set font size , which can be one of the following : small , normal , large , huge . So it will be the density multiplied by 0.85 , 1 , 1.15 , 1.3 . The scale density can be used to calculate how much an sp is equal in pixels , by multiplying the sp by the scalDensity .
  • widthPixels : the device width in pixels
  • heightPixels : the device height in pixels
  • xdpi : the density of the device on the x axis . This is equal to DENSITY_DEVICE_STABLE
  • ydpi : the density of the device on the y axis . This is equal to DENSITY_DEVICE_STABLE.

DisplayMetrics class an example

In this application we are using the DisplayMetrics class to get various information about the screen . The application is formed of a file

package com.twiserandom.a002displaymetrics;


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    DisplayMetrics displayMetrics;
    TextView tvDisplayMetrics;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        //call the super method

        // set the content view to the layout activity main

        tvDisplayMetrics = (TextView) findViewById(;

        displayMetrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
        // Get the displayMetrics for the current device

        //width and height
        tvDisplayMetrics.append(String.format("widthPixels is : %d \n", displayMetrics.widthPixels));
        tvDisplayMetrics.append(String.format("heightPixels is : %d \n\n", displayMetrics.heightPixels));

        // DENSITY_DEVICE_STABLE : read from the system property
        tvDisplayMetrics.append(String.format("DENSITY_DEVICE_STABLE is : %d \n\n", DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEVICE_STABLE));

        // densitydpi :  DENSITY_DEVICE_STABLE ± display size [Small , Default , Large , Larger , Largest]
        // density  : ratio of densitydpi / 160
        tvDisplayMetrics.append(String.format("densityDpi (= DENSITY_DEVICE_STABLE ± display size [Small , Default , Large , Larger , Largest]) is : %d \n\n", displayMetrics.densityDpi));
        tvDisplayMetrics.append(String.format("density is densitydpi / 160 : %f \n\n", displayMetrics.density));

        // scaleDensity [ ratio of (densityDpi / 160) * fontScale ]
        tvDisplayMetrics.append(String.format("scaledDensity [ ratio of (densityDpi / 160) * [small :0.85 , normal 1 , large 1.15 , huge 1.3] ]: %f \n\n", displayMetrics.scaledDensity));

        tvDisplayMetrics.append(String.format("xdpi is : %f \n", displayMetrics.xdpi));
        tvDisplayMetrics.append(String.format("ydpi is : %f \n", displayMetrics.ydpi));



, and of an activity_main.xml file .

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:text="Display Metrics"





This application is run on the nexus 4 smartphone .

When the display size is set to default , and the font size is set to normal , we have the following display metrics :

  • widthPixels : 768
  • heightPixels : 1184
  • densityDpi : 320
  • denisy : 2
  • scaleDensity : 2
  • xdpi : 320
  • ydpi : 320

so on this phone ,

  • 1dp is equal to 1px multiplied by the density and is equal to 2 px.
  • 1sp is equal to 1px multiplied the scaleDensity and is equal to 2px.

When the display size is set to Large , and the font size is set to normal , we have the following display metrics :

  • widthPixels : 768
  • heightPixels : 1174
  • densityDpi : 352
  • denisy : 2.2
  • scaleDensity : 2.2
  • xdpi : 320
  • ydpi : 320

so on this phone ,

  • 1dp is equal to 1px multiplied by the density and is equal to 2.2 px.
  • 1sp is equal to 1px multiplied the scaleDensity and is equal to 2.2px

When the display size is set to Default , and the font size is set to large , we have the following display metrics :

  • widthPixels : 768
  • heightPixels : 1184
  • densityDpi : 320
  • denisy : 2.0
  • scaleDensity : 2.3
  • xdpi : 320
  • ydpi : 320

so on this phone ,

  • 1dp is equal to 1px multiplied by the density and is equal to 2.0 px.
  • 1sp is equal to 1px multiplied the scaleDensity and is equal to 2.3 px.

When the display size is set to Larger , and the font size is set to largest , we have the following display metrics :

  • widthPixels : 768
  • heightPixels : 1165
  • densityDpi : 384
  • denisy : 2.4
  • scaleDensity : 3.12
  • xdpi : 320
  • ydpi : 320

so on this phone ,

  • 1dp is equal to 1px multiplied by the density and is equal to 2.4 px.
  • 1sp is equal to 1px multiplied the scaleDensity and is equal to 3.12 px.